7 Reasons Why People Are Leaving Your Website

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  1. Loading Time: Your website takes too long to load
    Slow loading time frustrates your site visitors and affects conversion rate and company perception. If you want visitors to stay on your website you will have to put your website’s load performance as a priority. Image size, coding and videos are some of the factors that can have an impact on your sites performance. 47% of users expect a web page to load in at least two seconds.
  1. Accessibility: Your website is not optimised for mobile and other devices
    Apart from slow loading the next problem is good visibility and accessibility. With the number of smart phone user’s now soaring, tablet users sharply on the rise and new devices released constantly, it is important to have a website that responds to all demands.  Make sure that your website is built with responsive web design so that it adapts to all devices accessing it.
    Site with Responsive Meade Potato Co.
  1. Navigation: Your website is difficult to navigate
    The best way to approach this is to go through your website as if you were a potential customer on the site for the first time. Figure out how quickly you can get to the information you require, how many clicks were needed and if you can find your way back to the previous pages.
    Site with clear navigation Woods & Partners
    Not only is unclear navigation bad for your on-site experience but it’s also bad for SEO as well.
  1. Bad Content: Your website has boring or irrelevant content
    Nowadays users have less time to sit down and read through lots of content. They will scan through it and find the important parts. Make your content more interesting by making it more relate-able to the user. Remember 40% of visitors don’t return to a website after having a negative experience.
  1. Clear Information: Your website doesn’t explain what your Company does or what are the Call to Actions
    It’s really annoying to click around a company’s website and not get a clear sense of what the company actually offers. The best websites clearly explain who they are, what they do, and what the visitor can do there. Just as important are the call-to-actions. 80% of small business websites do not have a call to action. Your customers won’t take action if you don’t prompt them to, so end every sales page, blog post, product page, and so on with a relevant call-to-action that’ll encourage visitors to take action.
  1. Distraction: Your Website has too many pop-up’s
    Excessive pop-ups prompting the user to sign up for things, can interrupt the reading experience and be very annoying. Instead you should use them in moderation so you are not distracting your visitors with content they may not be interested in. Another option would be to use these pop-up’s in a smart way, for instance displaying them when a user has visited your site previously or if they are on a certain page that requires a pop-up.
    Site with Pop-up Cox’s Pharmacy
  1. Consistency: Your website is not consistent
    The overall look and feel of your site should be consistent across all of your site’s pages. Backgrounds, colour schemes, fonts and even the tone of your writing are all areas where being consistent can have a positive impact on usability and user experience. However, this does not mean, that every page on your site should have the same exact layout. Instead, you should create different layouts for specific types of pages and by using those layouts consistently, you’ll make it easier for visitors to understand what type of information they’re likely to find on a given page.


If you are not sure about any of these point contact the Flo Web Design Team for a FREE review of your website.